I know that on my Integra and a number of other factory equipped Hondas, the crossovers are right at the tweater mounting location.
Ahh! Another Integra owner. Yup, on my Integra, the tweeters are RIGHT IN THE DOOR, so that's great.
Figures I had to pick the minivan, right?
I currently have factory tweeters still installed up on top of the dash. I can get at them if I want, but:
- I don't know where the wire runs meet up with the mids' wiring.
- There's a capacitor in series with the tweeter (makes sense), but no formal crossover box per se, like I got with my speakers.
- I'd be OK with running new wiring to get the tweeter routed to the door (where I'd then put the new crossover) if I could figure out just how to do that.
- I'm certainly concerned WRT the factory tweeters still being there in terms of tuning the system, since the rating is different (read: probably lower). What else can I do though short-term? Disconnect the tweeters?

If you're adding aftermarket tweets and mids, then you should be running new wire.
I confess I didn't do exactly that ...
yet. True, I ran new wire, but they aren't home runs to each speaker. Instead, they're home runs to the wiring harness (which, in turn, find their way to the speakers). Probably doesn't count as running new wire, but it worked as a first step.
If/when I do home runs to the speakers, yup, the door panels come off, and I suppose the top dash - somehow, not sure how that's done. Also unsure if the stock Chilton manuals have the necessary clues on that. (Greg provided me with even better info on getting the front center dash off, f'rinstance).
More clues welcome. I really want to do a proper job but, if it has to be in stages, I'm willing to pace it out a bit. I've already learned plenty more than I bargained for in terms of the way these cars are put together. (The amount of design that goes into all these components and placement must be incredible.)