I'm on the phone with customer service right now. I had the same thing happen to me that a lot of you have - ordered on the 28th, charged showed up on my credit card, 1-2 days later the charge disappears, order still hasn't shipped, panic ensues.

According to customer support that initial "Charge" was just a hold of funds, and since the order didn't go through in a certain ammount of time, it was dropped.

However, they also informed me that the warehouse is now completely bare - if your order hasn't shipped, it's not going to ship period. They said that the database wasn't updated in real time, and that's what allowed a lot of orders to go through that shouldn't have.

They said that because of this, that order would sit in my queue as "Pending Shipment" indefinitely, waiting for some magical stocking fairy to drop more Empeg players in the warehouse and ship my order out. The only way to get rid of it is to cancel your order.

Well, what a great end to a sad story. I've wanted an Empeg player since the Mark I, and when they announced the price drop on the 24th I scrambled hand and foot to get the money together to be able to finally own one. Then when I think I finally have one, I get kicked in the arse by SB's archaic inventory system. :(

At least now I can officially mourn (instead of thinking I wasn't going to end up getting one but secretly hoping it would work out). Just thought this info. might be of use of some of the others of you out there getting stress headaches :)

Just for grins, anyone out there that has a spare model and wouldn't mind selling it (I'm willing to be flexible on the price at this point), please contact me at [email protected] . You would really be appreciated.

Here's wishing I didn't sell my Christmas presents to be able to afford that Empeg player I've always wanted...

-Matthew Hemby
[email protected] 20GB Mark2a (Smoke) 1998 VW Cabrio