I've had a few requests for info recently so I've been working on a website tonight which will be about my Empeg and the things I've done to it etc. There will be instructions on my current method of making the screens and the most recent CDR file to download so people can have a go themselves.

Now, to your questions:
I've had no problems with the heat affecting the film so far. The VFD doesn't get all that hot anyway. Maybe not as hot as an overhead projector? I've actually updated the CDR file recently and altered the method of manufacture (now I've got a laminator ). The film I use doesn't look very good on the printed side so I've always put the glossy side outwards (I wish I could find a spray-on Anti-Reflective coating here in the UK). However I don't have a clear screen to put it behind, I just use the film on it's own so you might get away with printing it in reverse and putting it in glossy side against the VFD. I'd say just experiment like I did. I expect you'll be able to improve on my method anyway.

If you want the up-to-date file it's here.

Have fun!!
Marcus 32 gig MKII (various colours) & 30gig MKIIa