Speaking of Ferarri: comparing it to empeg is not fair. Empeg is an order of magnitude better than the next guy (at double the price - originally). The only area where Ferarri (or any other 'supercar') holds the same or better price/performance ratio as 'ordinary' sports cars is the owner's ego. $300000 supercar is
not six times better (in terms of performance and fun to drive) than $50000 'ordinary' sports car; more realistic figure would be perhaps 30% or 50%. With 'supercars' we are deep into area of dimminishing returns; empeg is far from that. Each cent of almost $2000 I paid is covered by features, ease of use, expandability... Of course, it does not mean I did not have troubles scrapping together those $2000
So, empeg is not simply Ferarri of MP3 players, it is Ferarri at the price of stock Corvette (or recently second-hand Yugo
