I can see myself in what you're saying. All I knew is that I wanted an excellent stereo system in my new car because I can't live without music. And, I knew I wanted an mp3 player. That's all.
I saw the empeg and I thought it was great, but too expensive, and I had a lot of questions to ask before deciding if that was just a high price, or if that was a too high price

So I sent an email to Empeg ltd., believing I would get a reply in weeks, with some pre-made standard text in it.
I got a reply in few hours, maybe just one, if I remember well. It was by a human being, not by an automatic response system. I got totally meaningful and sound answers to my questions. We mailed each other more for a while, and in two days (could have been few hours if I didn't have a life besides reading emails

) I was more than convinced that the empeg was exactly what I wanted, and that the price was GOOD! It was immediately clear that this small company was really amazing, made up by ppl "like you and me" who liked what they were doing and did it well. Really well.
No need to say that support I had since that time on has never - never - disappointed me. Whether that was a credit card problem or a knob that needed to be replaced. And all this happened way before I ever decided to enter this forum.
So, you can imagine how happy I was with empeg after I did enter here, and the empeg itself got enriched by such a great community and all that it implies, whether it is software of just ideas or help.
Now, by just talking to them, I got convinced. If I had read this forum, it would have been even easier to convince me. So, I agree with Tony, REAL marketing would have helped to sell empegs, definitely. You really need to UNDESRTAND what empeg is all about.