Hehe, nope. Not too many band parents using Lynx. On the other hand, there might be a group who don't even have IE5+ That's what I'm worried about now. But 5.0 has been out since '99 hasn't it?? I'd think it's likely that most people have it by now, don't you? I'd think they would have a lot of problems otherwise.
Anyway, I seem to be having one small problem with the script. All in all, CSS works fine with it. However, I seem to have problems with the mousehover event. I have it set so that on a mouseover on a link, the text and background swap colors (bg turns green and text turns white). However, with links in the DIV tags, on a mouseover the text turns white, but the bg doesn't change, leaving you with white space! That doesn't look very good

Anyway, is there anything I'm missing here?