Within two weeks of having the empeg, my car got broken into. I think they were looking for my empeg in the glovebox (gun compartment for the US types) and they pinched my amp anyway.Wow, that's too bad. I'll bet you're glad the Empeg wasn't in there, though. My amps are pretty well hidden, so I've been through two break-ins and never had the amps stolen.
Oh, and some of us Americans don't own guns.

I've seen some pretty elaborate setups with "stealth" installations like mine (and, now, yours). I saw a Honda Accord in a stereo magazine with some nifty features. The dealer blanking plate was spring-loaded, so that when the owner pulled out the full-pull-out CD player, it snapped into place. Then there was a key-locked box in the trunk that was welded to the car frame- if the owner didn't want to lug the stereo around, he locked it in there. The compartment was well-concealed so that a thief wouldn't see it even if he broke in. The car had a complex amp/speaker setup, all concealed under upholstery so that a thief couldn't see anything, even if he had broken into the car already and was looking for stuff to steal. It was quite cool.
Tony Fabris -- Empeg #144 --
Caution: Do not look into laser with remaining good eye.