I work in a hospital, and that kind of event occurs all too often. People will do anything to get their hands on drugs. Addiction is pretty horrible. When I was taking psych courses, I had to go and watch a few AA/NA meetings. It was pretty sad. I don't want to say specific things, but it's pretty common for drug addicts to mutilate themselves in order to get pain killers and other narcotics. They pull their own teeth out, cut themselves to get into an ER.. I don't know, maybe i've never had good enough stuff to flip me out like that, or i'm too much of a pussy. But that's just me. I still feel bad for them..

However, I think being attention-starved and addicted to drugs are two seperate things. But they probably both spawn from daddy ignoring [youknowwho] when he was a kid.

All in all, I know what you mean. a troll is a troll is a troll. heh.
::: shadow45