Is this correct? I edited audiograbber.ini and changed MP3QualityMode=R3MIX. I'm using the internal LameEnc DLL v3.91and had it set to CBR 160; Quality stereo, high. I did not change these settings. I then ripped the only audio CD I have here in the office (GBH; very unaudiophile ). The resulting mp3 file played in winamp starts at 160 bitrate and goes up to >230 slowly. Winamp track details show 160kbit rate. The audiograbber.ini file was changed such that CodecMode=160 Kbit/s, Stereo, R3Mix quality. File size = 6.86MB.

Went back into the internal encoder settings and changed it to VBR, MTRH, slider set to VBR 1. Reripped one of the tracks and now winamp reports it as a VBR mp3 (232kb). File size is 6.83MB. Sound quality difference is impossable to tell; it's GBH and I stuck with laptop speakers right now.

Am I fubar'ing the settings or just missing more info? I'd prefer to know how to set up the internal encoder LAME settings for AG to take advantage of the r3mix settings (is this what the original poster implied for this tread?)

Thanks for any help you can offer. Cheers!