You're going to get strange looks if you use the name of the brewer when asking for anything from Molson or Labatt. You ask just for a "Canadian" or a "Blue" (well, again, you actually should never "ask" for a "blue"

Keiths is Canadian as far as I know. It's probably
Alexander Keith's. It's from Nova Scotia. I've never tried it. I'll give it a try the next time I have beer.
I was never a big beer drinker - can't stand carbonation. But I'm getting used to it. Mainly because it was a lot easier to dance with a beer bottle in hand than with a mixed drink or a glass of wine. But I definitely prefer draught - you just have to drink enough of it so it doesn't slosh out of the glass while you dance.
I had a nice combo while in SF at an Irish pub. It was a Cider with Guiness on top. They didn't mix (different densities - very cool, like an enormous B52). Tipping it back, the Guiness would stay on top, so you'd still be drinking both at once. Can't remember what the combo is called.
Quebec has some very good beer too (I quite like
La Fin Du Monde - 9%). And obviously you can get plenty of good stuff here in Ontario as well - especially if you stay away from Labatt and Molson commercial brands. Take a look at and use their beer finder.