I do like the media support... however many things I hate about XP... one, ever try to encode an mp3 in XP? You'll find if your not logged on as you or move that file to another pc you get a wonderful little message "you do not have sufficient rights to access this file" not that it matters, I'm sure we all here rely on other means to get our mp3's but I personally find that invasive. Secondly back to the AOL OS... I don't need microsoft holding my hand every step of the way, you should be given options during setup "Idiot mode" or "Normal PC user", then we get into that whole active registration thing... "No microsoft, I don't want to send you all my information via the web". All this crap about piracy yet if ya really want it, you can log onto morpheus and grab a copy of the corporate version without active registration....
Brett 60Gb MK2a with Led's