Oh boy, I actually have two dogs, and long car rides are not their strong point. Boomer (the pictured one) is cool with it, but Pepper can hardly handle a trip down the street without trying to take off out the window after anything that moves. Depending where it is, I'll have to see.
Boomer is my special buddy, he's got epilepsy and I have been through hell with him to get it managed. Lots of medication and he is one of the mellowest 125 pound black labs in the world now... Four years of 2x/day medication and a seizure every 4 months or so to keep life interesting so far...
See the attachment for one of my favorite photos of the two...

72471-dogs_couch.jpg (172 downloads)

Dave Clark Georgetown, Texas MK2A 42Gb - AnoFace - Smoke Lens - Dead Tuner - Sirius Radio on AUX