Well, I try to find humor in most all situations, and I thought Rob's comment was funnier, but I find that one of them (not Boomer) like the green stuff better, not that I do that anymore... much.. on days that end in "y"
Anyways, I wouldn't wish this on anyone (or their dog/cat/snake/ferret/bees/etc). It's a drag, but like lectric said, the things we do for these little guys, or in Boomer's case, BIG guy.(Cool mugshot too lectric!) Unconditional love is what they give you, no matter what the case. The vets office has a sign that reads:
The highlight of my day is coming home to my dog.
And it's true!
As for a Texas meet, I'll travel anywhere in the great Republic of Texas, just depends on the date...
Dave Clark
Georgetown, Texas
MK2A 42Gb - AnoFace - Smoke Lens - Dead Tuner - Sirius Radio on AUX