The new jEmplode supports auto updating of your Hijack kernel (finally got tired of constantly checking

) and uses Mark's addition of uploading Logos w/ Hijack (very cool and seems to work great!! Thanks alot!).
For Autoupdating:
0) You have to have _some_ version of Hijack already installed
1) Go to Tools...
2) Go to Options ...
3) Select "Use Hijack when Possible"
4) Select "Autoupdate Hijack"
5) Put in mk1 or mk2 and empeg kernel version (read the tooltip attached to the labels for more info). Just leave these alone if you're running mk2 w/ the latest kernel.
6) Close Options
7) Restart jEmplode (or close and reopen a connection to your Empeg). The autoupdater will run just prior to downloading the database from your Empeg after you select the connection from the dialog.
To update, but not automatically:
0) Have some Hijack already installed
1) Connect to an Empeg
2) Tools...
3) Update Hijack Kernel
To upload logos w/ Hijack
0) Have Hijack installed
1) Tools...
2) Options...
3) Select "Use Hijack when Possible"
4) Close Options
5) Tools...
6) LogoEdit
7) Do your business
8) File..Upload to Empeg