Just tried out the auto-update feature and it rocks.

One feature request: Optionally have it reboot the player (with the http://empegaddr/?reboot command) when the kernel-squirt is done.

Speaking of that, by the way:

Mark, why are there two long stalls or pauses during FTP uploads of new kernels? I've noticed it both when using the Internet Explorer FTP extensions to send a kernel, and now the same thing when using Jemplode to send a kernel.

In both cases, two stalls happen. One at about 1/3 of the way, and another at about 9/10 of the way. The FTP upload seems to temporarily stall for about 5-10 seconds each time. After the stall, the upload then continues normally. These stalls (in the past) prompted me to pause/unpause the player when they happened, until I realized that nothing I did to the player would change the behavior of the uploads, the FTP stalls still happened.
Tony Fabris