I agree, but the solution is hard, and I'm not sure that there's one that's totally correct. To bring up just one possiblility, what if you had the artist ``L'Ame Des Poetes'' on your empeg. This ought to be under the As (unless the French alphabetize using articles, which I doubt). But what if you also had an audio book by ``L'Amour, Louis''? That should be under the Ls. Which also brings up the question of how to alphabetize the names of people. It should be alphabetized by last name, but there's no way for the player to distinguish ``Pink Floyd'' from ``Earl Scruggs'', unless you wanted to list him as ``Scruggs, Earl'', which I don't like, and that doesn't even touch on the fact that ``Gabriel Garcia Marquez'' should be alphabetized under the Gs (for ``Garcia'').
Now, the best idea is probably what you suggest, that it ignore a leading ``The'', as well as ``A'', and maybe ``L''', ``Das'', etc. But nothing is going to be perfect, obviously, and that's why I've already resigned myself to not use the soup lists. I'll just keep creating playlists for everything I want to listen to, and organize them myself. But fixing this problem would tend to speed things up a little.
Bitt Faulk