There is, in fact, a separate ID3v2 tag for "string to sort under in artist lists" (and others for title and album). But the player doesn't use it; keeping every artist string in memory twice would be too much overhead.
Could you keep an index (list of indexes for multiple artists) into the original artist string and parse that out as strings to search under. The artist string would be kept in memory only once, but split across multple "artists". That way multplie artists (such as Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young) could be found under Crosby, under Stills, under Nash, under Young and under CSN&Y. Only problem would be when you wanted exclusively Neil Young songs, no CSN&Y -- a problem indeed.
But this gets to what I'm really interested in -- multiple artist attribution. I've got many songs (remixes, etc) that would be attributed to the orignial artist and the remixer (Peter knows who I have in
mind) that I'd love to find under searches, especially when they're scatter all over different albums. Of course, thats thinking probably way beyond even post-2.0 stuff. But I can dream, can't I?