Don't blame TiVo -- blame ABC. They're the ones who gave out the scheduled length of the program as being three hours. All TiVo can do take them at their word.

Just be glad you're not in Alaska. Since we're on our own time zone, most of our prime-time network television program is on a tape delay -- they record the east coast feed, and play it back four hours later. Since the local TV stations are not restrained by the necessities of satellite schedules when playing back the programs, they put extra commercials in the breaks to generate more revenue. It is not uncommon for a show that was supposed to start at 10:00 pm to actually start at 10:08. The big problem with that is that the show then ends at 11:09 or 11:10 -- so I miss the last 10 minutes of the show. I can't tell it to stop recording 15 minutes later, because that will conflict with the beginning of another program on a different channel.

I have gotten to where now when I watch any show on TiVo, I automatically skip to the end to see if the end of the show is there -- and just delete the program unwatched if it isn't.

I have informed the station manager of the local ABC affiliate (the worst offender) that I have told my TiVo that I no longer receive their station, because there are no programs they air that I can ever see the end of. Even though I was sure they would mend their ways after I told them this, they just ignored my input and continued as usual.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"