One other option for installing the dish in an apartment building is to ask the installers (if you get it professionally done) if they have the industrial strength suction cups that attach to a window. This will allow you to have the dish on a window without having to drill any holes in an outer wall. There is an additional cost for this type of installation but it helps you get around drilling holes in an apartment wall.
So, now what do you do with the wire?? Well, those installation companies also have 'flat' wires that can run into the apartment at the base of the window while still allowing the window to close and lock securely.
The only reason I know all of this is I was having a big problem with my management company about installing the dish so I did a little research. There are ways around all those limitations they try to impose on you...
If all else fails you can go the route of
this determined individual and install your dish inside the apartment.