In any case, the fact that you are making a DNS query at all implies that your host file is not working.
I didn't say I was making a DNS query, I was describing the way DNS normally works on this PC and in our company.
As I understand it, it should work like this:
1) Request for an address is made.
2) HOSTS file is checked first to see if the address is there.
3) If so, the address from HOSTS is used.
4) If not, then a DNS query is made.
That's the way it works on my machine at home anyway.
Are you certain the host file is working? Can you put a bogus entry (something you know does not resolve) in it, and verify that it is coming back with the host file entry?
Yes. The hosts file DOES seem to be working.
My car player is entered into the hosts file, like so: empeg
When I do a ping, it works:
c:\temp>ping empeg
Pinging empeg [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=255
When I change the hosts file to a bogus address: empeg
Then the ping fails:
c:\temp>ping empeg
Pinging empeg [] with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
So I know the hosts file is working, for sure. But the ads are still appearing in the web browser.