I had mentioned this some time ago, but I'll mention it again here because it's very relevant to this thread.
With one of these an additional sled plugs, you can very likely, and very inexpensively, make your own additional sled to use for moving your Empeg to another car.
Years ago, when most radios were pull-outs, it was very common for them to get stolen from trunks, under the seat, etc., leaving the car owner with an orphaned sled. When the car owner bought a new radio (with its own sled), the car stereo installers would often stockpile these old orphaned sleds in case they needed to use them for parts. I was in the business at that time which is how I know this.
Jump ahead to 2002. Many car stereo installation bays still have a handful of old sleds lying around, which at this point have no value at all (since current units have detachable faces instead). If you ask, and if he has any, the installer will probably give you a few or charge a couple of bucks for them. If you can't find one that way, buy an old junky pull-out at a pawn shop, junkyard, etc. for $10 or $20 and just use its sled.
I bought four old sleds of various brands from two local car stereo places for $20 total. Of the four, three were approximately the right size for an Empeg (the size is fairly standard, but one sled was too shallow). I then bought a couple of extra wiring looms from Empeg (at that time they were still available). It took only minor fabrication to replace the Kenwood, Sony, etc. sled plugs on these orphaned sleds with the Empeg sled plugs. (You have to do a bit of drilling or bracketing because they must line up just right, but it's not hard, and need not be pretty since it will be behind the dash.) I also drilled some holes in the top of the sleds to match the ventilation holes in the Empeg.
Presto - a cheap spare sled! Now I can move my Empeg from car to car, for only the cost of an extra sled plug plus $5 and about half an hour of labor.
That said, I will take 2 sled plugs. Not trusting myself to wiring/soldering (I am all thumbs), I would need them to be full harnesses. But, sInce smu has been so gracious as to offer to do this assembly at low cost assuming that indeed full harnesses are not going to be offered through the group buy, then I'll take him up on that, with much appreciation.