Yeah, flakey's a good word.
I've decided that the best way to upload images is the FTP option. I've got a folder in my root like "uploadpics" or something, and I just point the add photos window to that URL or server path and it takes about 2 seconds to load the pics.
Frankly, I find it to be an excellent program, especially for the cash

It's just too bad that someone doesn't fill out a little more of that user guide. I would help myself if I knew anything
The only thing I've disliked about gallery is that if you upload movies, you are forced to use only one image for every movie's thumbnail. I have no idea why they designed it that way. I would think it would be pretty easy to create a way to assign a different image for every movie, but oh well. At least it supports movies.
Anyway, I'm very happy with it. I've got about 10 albums, 174 photos, and much less hassle without individual HTML pages. Good program.