Please note forwarded message from Drakino:
In reply to:
The server move is complete, and seems to be running fine. Unfortunatly some DNS servers aren't listening to the time to live setting of the domain properly, so it may take some time to get everyone back (including me here at work, grr).
One side effect of the move is that the time zone changed. There was no way to fix the time offset for everyone, so if you had this set on your own to match local time, it will need to be changed. To chenage the actual setting, head into "My Home" and edit the display preferences. Use the "Adjusted Time" on the front page to know when the BBS time matches your local time.
If anyone has any problems or questions, feel free to use the "Email BBS Admin" link at the bottom.
Hopefully my work DNS will let me get here shortly, posting via lynx from the server failed.