SOLD! Sorry, folks - 000068 has been sold, for USD$850, to an enthusiast in Sweden. Thanks for all your inquiries.
Now, I may be late to work because I can see that my MkII has cleared customs and is literally on a van in my neighborhood right now!

Placed on Van LEXINGTON MA 07/05/2000 07:39
Arrived at FedEx Destination Location LEXINGTON MA 07/05/2000 07:34
Left FedEx Sort Facility NEWARK NJ 07/05/2000 00:11
Pkg. Status Exception NEWARK NJ 07/04/2000 22:06 Commercial customs release
Pkg. Status Exception NEWARK NJ 07/01/2000 05:35 Regulatory Clearance Delay
Left FedEx Ramp STANSTED GB 06/30/2000 15:40
Int. Package Manifest Created STANSTED GB 06/30/2000 17:19
Left FedEx Origin Location STANSTED GB 06/30/2000 17:47
Picked up STANSTED GB 06/30/2000 16:11
- Reed S.