(cross-posting this here; please make replies here if you want; I almost never check the rio receiver side..)

I was actually very surprised to not find any programs out that that can get a directory listing from shoutcast (for any given genre/limited by min bitrate), and drop them into a m3u file - so I wrote this proggy. Some of you might find it useful)

Hey guys,

I wrote this program for a different reason; but thought it might be handy here. It allows, through a cron job (linux) or scheduled job (w2k/cygwin), to update several m3u files with the top x-number of pages from the shoutcast server at a certain bitrate for a certain genre..

It expects an input file of the following format:

playlistfiletouse.m3u,minbitrate(use127ifyouwant128kb/etc),numberofpagesfromshoutcast(20searches/page, limited by bitrate),searchstringonshoutcast

i.e. - here's the grenrelist.txt that I'm using (has to be in the workdir as defined in the script)


...this is a quick an dirty bash script that I put together for a need that I had, and it has actually only been tested under cygwin/windows (specifically, requires sed/awk/wget/lynx/ - all of these should be part of the standard cygwin package available here: http://www.cygwin.com/ )

Again, very quick and dirty; but thought it would be useful (seeing as the rio receiver can stream i-net radio stations, but doesn't have an automated way to see the directory..)

...and if there's any demand for me improving/cleaning up this script, let me know.


106195-stripstreams.sh (285 downloads)

http://mvgals.net - clublife, revisited.