I clumsily dropped my IBM 20 gig removable pc hard drive today, it fell out of an unclosed zipper in my backpack

. The drop was no more than 3 feet, but apparently the concrete was enough to do it in! Apparently now it won't receive any power.. I had hoped the *plastic* removable case would take the brunt of the damage, but... it appears not..
Anyhow, its an IBM and it is most likely under warranty (i am assuming that IBMs warranty is like western digital, 3 years?); and I of course will mention nothing of the "falling incident" to IBM.

So my question is.. Does anyone know if they (IBM) do any kind of data recovery on the drives they replace, if you specially request it? Or do they basically just see if it works, and then if it doesnt slap a new one in your box and return it? If not, does anyone have any recommendations on where I could get that done? How much does that type of thing cost?