I've recently been helping out my old university get their radio station sorted. It's the first time they've managed to get enough local support and money to actually broadcast on FM for a month. They are also streaming on the net courtesy of an old P200 I had in the shed.
They have, so far, been really impressed that people all over the UK have been listening. I'm asking if you guys can help them go one better and get some emails and feedback from elsewhere in the world. Visit the site:
www.shockradio.co.uk and have a listen. If you like what you hear, tell your friends and drop the studio an email.
Remember, they're only students, so expect the odd cock up. At the end of the day, if they can say they've had enough listeners and positive comments then they can keep their future secure. I suppose it's a weakly veiled 'plug' for the station, but then again it's a subject close to my heart (I was a founder member when I was at Uni, and also, I built the station myself from scratch last week
