Ever wonder if your empeg has anything in common with a bunch of old rocks and stone? No, neither did I until just today.
A couple of the names for the visuals had me wondering for a long time, but I never took much notice until I decided to do a quick search on the 'net, and then I discovered quite a few interesting connections...
The visuals in question? Hercynian, Grampian & Caledonian. Now, Grampian and Caledonian didn't bother me too much, as I knew Grampian was a region in Scotland, and Caledonia is the old name for Scotland, so I was thinking of a Scottish theme perhaps.
Not quite...
I looked up Hercynian eventually, to see what it meant, and got an Encyclopaedia Britannica reference to 'Hercynian orogenics'! Well, Orogenic Developments are behind Prolux, and hence Toby and the empeg visuals... result

It seems that Hercynian, Grampian and Caledonian all refer to Orogenic Phases (whatever they are when they're at home - that's my next search topic!)
Not only that, but 'Hercynian' apparently refers to the southwest of England, where Orogenics are based, and where empeg started out! Bingo...
So, 3 visuals link the empeg with prehistoric British geology...
I wonder what the visuals to get names like Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian and Devonian will look like?

I think I
learned something today...
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Got one of the first Mark 2 empegs...