I sent an email to the BBC News suggestions page describing the empeg and suggesting they have a look at it.
Reading my original message, I think now that it might look as if I'm suggesting somehow drafting in the BBC to help advertise the empeg. This was not my intention, but the quote in the article about the HanGo being the player with the largest hard drive got me a bit steamed up, I regret to say

I still think the empeg is as deserving of coverage as the Creative Jukebox, in fact, I think it is more deserving, for several reasons, not least of which is that it is a British product, and a British news website should be interested in that aspect at least.
Maybe the last thing Rob needs right now is the BBC hounding him when he's trying to get players out through the door... oops

Hope I don't get blamed if there are any delays!
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Got one of the first Mark 2 empegs...