There's been quite a bit of discussion about custom fascias for the player. Quite a few of you will know that I started designing mine about a year ago (I'm waiting for it to be machined up at work). Unfortunately most of you don't have the luxury of having a machine shop at your disposal and will probably never see your own ultimate design in the flesh and fitted to your player. However there is an alternative...
Rapid Prototyping; Some of you will have heard of it, one or two will probably be experts in it and there will be some of you who've just said "Rapid what?". Basically it's a method of manufacturing where the part is built up of layers. These can be layers of powder (such as Plaster) bonded together, layers built up by selectively polymerising a liquid resin or by the selective sintering of plastic or metallic powder, again in layers to produce a finished part. The equipment is quite expensive but there are a number of companies who offer a service whereby you send them an STL file (produced from a 3D Solid Modelling package) and they'll 'print' you one out. One such company is They also provide an online quoting service which looks pretty good. I did a costing for my design which came out at $145, which I didn't think was too bad. This company use machines from Z-Corp which use the bonded plaster powder infiltrated with CyanoAcrylate for added strength.
Of course this does all depend on you having access to some kind of 3D Solid Modelling software for producing your STL file. This software generally isn't cheap (around £5k for Solid Edge, Inventor or SolidWorks). Again, there is an alternative for those of us who don't have that kind of money floating around. Pro-Desktop Express is a free, downloadable 3D Solid Modelling package that will allow you to design your own fascia, buttons & knob and save them as STL files. You can then send these off to one of these RP companies to get it 'printed out'. Pro-Desktop is a bit cranky but it does work and is free after all.
One advantage of RP over machining is that you have greater freedom over your design. Basically anything you design you can make with RP. You don't have to concern yourself with the limitations that machining places upon your design. Anyway, I hope this will inspire you all to get on and create your own fascias 'n' stuff.
Here are a couple of links:
Pro-Desktop Express
RP Services
happy designing
