You may select from among the following contributing factors (I'm guessing you managed to overcome a few of these?):
1. a two-year old son with speedy legs and evil on his mind
2. a one-year old daughter with a voice more piercing than Geddy Lee on his best day
3. a wife who loves the Empeg, but would prefer to load it with Sesame Street, Barney and Teletubby songs for the aforementioned
4. a totally XXXXX-whipped husband
5. the husband's post-purchase decision to purchase a better mobile enclosure for the Empeg (selling Grand Cherokee in favor of 2001 Audi A6 4.2)
I know, I know--they're poor excuses. But can anyone out there relate?

Mark 1: #354 10 gig/green
Mark 2: #155 36 gig/red