After much deliberation, I have bought 2 Motorola T720's today and would would like to get the most out of them for as little as possible.
I guess that to do anything with these I need a USB data cable and some software but after a few hours searching I'm lost (sortof). A lot of the items on the 'net focus on unlocking stolen handsets (which I don't have) but possibly I need products which fall into this category, I'm unsure.
My goal (ATM) is to upload bitmaps and polyphonic ringtones onto the handset(s) at zero cost: I'm not trying to be a complete miser here but FFS, most offerings I've seen so far charge in the region of £5.50UKP for a crappy ringtone and almost the same for a bitmap! Hell, the bitmap might look good in your browser but probably looks like [censored] on your handset but you still have to pay that exhorbitant fee just to see what it looks like, no way! I feel completely and utterly alienated from these people peddling their crappy
To add insult to injury, I got diddled, sortof, in so much as I didn't read or notice the (yeah, my
bad totally) Motorola small print on TV adverts or otherwise that presumably said "You only get demo's of Tetris, Breakout & MotoRacer". This isn't a biggie but I'm miffed they are being so petty (as am I I suppose about upgrading), IMO they should have pre-loaded the whole game(s) onto the handset and not TV advertised a teaser. I don't feel really bad about this because the handsets are sweet and in just about all other respects exceed my expectations, I'm just a little
So, I'm in the market for ringtones, bitmaps and games etc. I guess this means I need a data lead, software etc. but I'm stuck and need advice/pointers etc., any help gratefully accepted
Edit: I'm sure Paramount don't EVER advertise products during their programmes but damn Niles Crane for flouting those flip-phones once-upon-a-time. Oh well, I'm saving for my Segway and a copy of MS Windows now, what's next?