hi guys - firstly a merry xmas and happy new year to u all, i hope u had a good safe xmas season
sorry for writing so damned much but i feel the need to be descriptive so that inherent problems may become clear to you instantly whereby you could stop me immediately and point it out
ok.. after a long period of leaving things be i decided to proceed with the reinstallation of my empeg after a previous post on the same problem.
i had a problem with the empeg making a popping thru the system, when i pulled it while playing, and a different pop when starting the motor while the unit was playing. 2 different kinds of pops. i also had a problem that the player state was not being saved. at any time. or, it seemed to get saved randomly. here's a run down:
- if i pull it while playing, there is a loud hi-pitched pop or 'snap' even, quite crisp, that comes only from the left channel, and none thru the subs. never any problem with the right channel. this is the first kind of pop. player state will not be saved.
- if i start the car while it is playing, i get a low thump from the subs only, and nothing from the mids/highs speakers, then the unit cycles thru standby back to on, showing the battery icon for a few secs as expected. this is the second kind of pop.
- if, instead of just pulling it while playing, i put it into standby first (holding top button), THEN pull it, it comes out fine, no pops whatsoever. however, player state is STILL not saved! putting it back in after this 'gentle' pull sequence, and it will revert to a couple of songs ago. the loaded playlists also will differ, too.
i wasnt too worried about the pops... moreso the fact that the player state was not being saved. i tried to describe my setup and revealed that i had both IGNITION SENSE (orange) and the main power (yellow) cables going to the constant fused 12v source - as i hadnt understood how the standby timeout feature worked, and i wanted the player to run indefinitely regardless of the key being in the ACC position or not in there at all. ok, many of u responded and advised me against this wiring and said this is probably the main reason for the odd behaviour. later i posted about a connection problem where the (increasingly problematic?) left channel would fade/cut out in volume, when the car was subjected to vibration... i thought it would be a poor connection of the little pins on the connector not pressing firmly against the other pins at the back of the empeg... but someone pointed me to the 'wires falling out the back of the connector' FAQ entry and said that was probably it, so i thought ok.
so i set about to wire it correctly. after wrenching the poor sled from the dash i checked the wires on the back of the connector. all were firmly in. ok.. i then shifted the orange IGN sense wire to the switched accessories 12V output. and reinstalled everything. after alot of playing and pulling heres what ive found
the player state problem seems fixed. no matter what i do, it seems to remember the player state well and has not yet reverted to an earlier state. ok. cool!
- pulling the unit while it is playing still gives me the high pitched 'pop'/'snap' from the left channel
- starting the car while the unit is playing now gives a much louder thump followed by a loud higher pitched bang (so, two seperate pops), and the unit actually completely reboots, as opposed to how it used to just go to standby then back to a playing state again
* i just realised what could be causing this second bang. my ACC line goes to 0 volts when the key is pushed to START, to crank the motor (so all power goes to the starter motor. this is probably a feature on most other cars also?). however it probably negative spikes before going to zero. so what happens is that the player thumps normally as it used to, then has a split second to make the bang due to the ACC dropping to zero, in other words it does exactly what i describe in the next paragraph:
- i now have a serious negative spike bug problem. it is exactly as described in the FAQ - when clicking from ACC to OFF, the unit remains on (playing) for about 0.5secs to 1sec, then fully shuts off with a huge almighty bang from the speakers. with a 10 speaker/2 sub 2kw installation, this thump/bang is truely frightening... testing this all out was a harrowing experience...

as the faq suggests it goes completely off instead of remaining in standby.
so any time the ACC goes to zero, the player will play for about 0.5 secs to 1 sec longer, then fully shut off with a huge bang, and remain off till ACC +12V is detected again (+12v ACC will return when i turn the key from OFF back to ACC, or when i release the key from START(crank) back to ON again).
the car is an 86 honda civic - nothing exotic. i dont know if other civics also experience the negative voltage on the ACC line, instead of going to earth/gnd straight away... my unit is a mk2a and the diode is meant to be built in! so i shouldnt be hearing this at all! but i do. ok, perhaps mine was one that slipped thru without the diode fix. i went out and got a 1N4004 diode, which is 1A, 400V, the closest i could find to the recommended 1N4003. the only difference is the recommended diode handles 200V, and this is 400V. installed this and tested again - no difference!!! almighty bangs when turning off. why is this still happening??
im driving around with an empty sled now and a very helpless feeling in my gut! if youve read this far, can you suggest anything at all? are there any OTHER fixes to the negative spike problem? can i add more diodes or something? does the 200V difference in diodes make all the difference in this case? should i wire the unit differently again? theres nothing in the FAQ that tells you what to do incase the diode fix doesnt work... not that i could find anyway?
thank you VERY MUCH for reading this far and i hope you only had to go thru the first few lines before immediately spotting my problem, for the life of me i dont know what it is!
cheers all