The SK41G (one of which is on the bench in front of me at the moment) is 8 inches x 7.5 inches x 11.5 inches overall, so should fit into a large suitcase. Shuttle also produce their own carry-bag for the thing, which is just the right size, has a pocket on either end that will hold the mouse and power cables, and also has a larger one on the front which is exactly the right size to take a
happy hacking keyboard lite 2. This keyboard, while a bit pricey, is pretty neat, and includes a two-port usb hub, if you have the usb version of course.
The SK41G has an AGP slot and a PCI slot, runs linux very nicely, and with an Athlon XP2200+ in it is pretty damn quick. The power supply is a universal 115-230V type, and you can fit a CDROM, HD, and either a floppy or another HD. Two DIMM sockets, for at least a gigabyte of ram, and every port you could want except for video in. I can recommend one highly.
And yes, I do have one

Two, in fact.