Played with the new GPSapp on the way to work today, it works quite well. I wanted to give the new behavior for the "distance to next waypoint" readout a chance. I thought I should actually try it instead of being opposed to it "in theory". So I did. Still don't like it.
My basic issue with the right-hand side of the screen, as it stands now, is:
- There's only screenspace allocated for two values on the right side of the screen, yet there are three that we'd like to display: distance to final (DTF), distance to waypoint (DTW), and Speed.
- If given a choice between the three, I'd like to have either DTW and Speed, or the original DTF and DTW, rather than DTF and Speed as it is now. Reason is, it's more important to know how far it is to the next turn rather than how far until the end of the journey. For example, if I've got 50 miles to the next waypoint, it'd be nice to know that I can relax for a while.
- There's a UI-consistency problem with the way it is now, which is that it displays a directional arrow corresponding to DTW, yet the value directly above the arrow is DTF.
I see a few solutions:
- Ignore me, because everything here is just my personal preference, and you might like your way better

(this is valid, of course)
- Make it configurable as to which two values are displayed on the right.
- Make the directional arrow smaller so that there's room for all three values on that side of the screen.
I think the last one is do-able. How small would the directional arrow need to be in order to have all three values listed on that side of the screen? How many pixels HxW? I'll draw up some directional arrows in the small size if you like, provided that it's not TOO small.