I figured I would post this here to give people the opportunity to get some free money if you are interested. I used Turbo Tax this year (which will be the last year I ever use it) and it installed a bunch of worthless crap on my pc besides the tax software itself, but I won't get into all that. The one good thing I found was a link to "ING". It is an online bank that, at the time, was giving people $50 if they opened a savings account. I was a bit skeptical and figured, ahh what the hell. When you open a savings account with them, you have to go through a process of verifaction that is quite a bit like paypals. I opened my account up with $1 (that was the lowest you could put in) and I actually got my $50 sign up bonus. I also found out that if I refer anyone else (up to 25 people), they will each get a $25 sign up bonus and I will get $10 for referring them. If you guys want to check it out on your own and see if you can get the $50, go right ahead

, but I think you may have had to buy turbo tax to get that offer... If anyone would like me to refer them, please PM with your name and email.
Here is the webiste if you want to check it out...
They have an 800 # you can call if you want to see if you can still get the $50 sign up offer...
I haven't found any tricks or anything that screw you out of the sign up bonus other than you aren't allowed to take the money out for 30 days after you get it. I actually have had one other friend of mine sign up and I got another $10 bonus so far. The people on here as I have seen over the years are pretty savy when it comes to internet stuff. I'm sure a lot of people will be hesitant about this, but I just wanted to make people aware of it while it lasts... Good Luck !!!