Ok, we have scripts here that run our Point of Sale system for our stores that pull the date from the 'date' command in Linux as well as SQL statements that use the sysdate() function. Now, for some odd reason for the stores on the East Coast the sysdate(), the 'date' and 'hwclock' commands, and the crontabs on the system are all off from eachother. The 'date' and 'hwclock' commands return the correct time, sysdate() returns current PST time (three hours behind),
some crontab's run three hours late (i.e. it is set to run at 7am EST, and it runs at 10am EST). Also, the daytime service from one machine to another (phyisically in the same place) returns PST time, even though the timezone is set to EST on both machines.
Now I've checked everything I can think of: /etc/localtime link, TZ environment variable, hwclock, date, etc.
Anyone have any ideas? It's giving me a headache.

Thanks in advance.