Those of you using a Unix other than Linux may have noticed that the download.c program that is used for, mostly, installing Hijack over the serial port doesn't work. This annoyed me under Solaris, specifically, though I doubt it worked on any non-glibc-based Unix (so Hurd may have worked, I suppose).
I modified that program so that it works under Solaris. I don't see any reason right off hand why it wouldn't work under any other Unix, as long as you have a serial port that will support 115200 (older Sparc machines won't

) and you have termios support (most, if not all, Unices do, AFAIK).
It definitely compiles and works on my SunBlade 2000 running Solaris 8 using Forte/SunOne cc. Again, it's basic enough, I think, that it ought to work with any Unix using any reasonably modern C compiler. If it doesn't, tell me what fails, and, preferably, provide me with a patch.
I'll test it on my OpenBSD/i386 machine tonight.
Mad props to Jan Harkes (jaharkes on this board), whose serial port kung fu can beat mine any day. (I can't believe I just typed that sentence.)
Source code attached. (Note that the command line arguments are different than for the stock download.c. What they are should be obvious. Just run the program with no options for a usage statement.)
Also note that the use of this is free of restriction, especially to the empeg developers, who are specifically more than welcome to use this in any upcoming upgrade to any product, or any upcoming new product. (They are not, however, allowed to go back in time and upgrade any product that exists now. At least not without taking me along for the ride.)