im in 336. but were not next to magnolia. were next to levitow hall. and all but 338 are complete.
Red Wolves!
They moved the buildings then. What's your afsc? They moved 2e2s out of the 336th after I left there in early 99. Is PMEL still in the 336th? That was the other big afsc in that squadron. Please say you're not a 3Cxxx, I hated the way the air force had that set up. 3Cs are glorified button pushers that call the 2E2s for help when things are broken, yet they get twice the retention bonus 2e2s do. I could rant about that topic for hours.
i think im in violation of opsec.
Half the women in Biloxi know their way around that base, I wouldn't worry too much.
tell me more of this hub.
We talked our commander into letting us put it up, since there was allready an ethernet drop in every room, just no electronics. It had no internet connection or anything, just a basic lan. A few months after we set it up, some kid got washed back a block and said he didn't study because of the network. Instead of unplugging his dumb ass, they just pulled the whole thing. Then the higher ups bitched out our commander for it. I was pretty pissed that some punked screwed up one of the rare times a training commander went out of his way to do something nice for the troops. Now that I think about it, the commander may have swipped the switch for himself. Nowadays, I'd just blanket the dorm with WiFi.

For internet I'd buy a PCS vision phone and obtain a cable. No need to go to the lame cafe in the shopette, or the one by the mall (Is it still there?).
i dont know any mtls of that name.
He wounldn't be an MTL, he'd most likely be an instructor. Possibly one of the instructors supervisors. He may even be in the 81st.
I can tell you're pretty new, phase 2 I'd guess. Just don't do anything stupid and you'll have fun at tech school. If you act like a dumb ass and don't play the game, it's gonna suck bad. Oh, another tip, apointment slips and erasable ink, it's a license to sleep in. Just make sure you're smart about 'working' the system.