Thanks for your offer, Bitt, but I decided that I might as well get one from the
Tivo store anyway. I may have lost mine.
Thanks for everyone's help! I completed every hack on the newbie guide, and I can telnet and FTP into my Tivo, as well as use TivoWeb and TyTool. I'm currently downloading a video to my PC.
I ended up getting the wireless bridge, which I'll probably put into my other network when I get back.
The last thing I need to do is to try to find some screws to replace the ones I stripped taking them out. I'd like to replace them with normal phillips head screws, but if that's not possible, I'll stick with torx screws. Unfortunately Home Depot and anywhere else I went didn't have them. Anyone know where I can find them?
Thanks again for all the help I received here. I love this board and I love Tivo!