Well, I've been using the empeg for a little bit of time now and I thought I'd post some of my thoughts.
(I haven't had internet for the past two weeks because I'm at college and off campus where the cable has yet to be upgraded)
I've had the empeg in my van for two 2 1/2 hour trips and it is great for that purpose. I can just put my entire CD collection on random and never touch the thing except to skip a track.
On short trips back and forth to school it's great too. I've set up a "driving" playlist that includes really good "road songs" (Deep Purple's "Highway Star", Edgar Winter's "Freeride", Fishbone's "Sunless Saturday", Black Sabbath's "Paranoid", etc..).
The one major gripe I have at this point is this:
I didn't believe the other people on here when they were talking about this, but now I have seen it first hand. It is absolutely
impossible to read the screen on an average bright day. I can't even make anything out if I cup my hands over it, and that's not too good while driving anyway. I really can't believe how bad it is. Even today when it was raining outside, when I was stopped on the side of the street I was able to make things out when I cupped my hands over it, but it was
still difficult.
This suprised me because the display is quite readable at night. I had no trouble at all, but I still felt the need to turn the dimmer all the way up.
I do not believe that this is an AR issue. This happens when there are no reflections on the outer layer. I just can't see a damned thing on the VFD. Is there anything you guys at empeg can do about this?
With that said, I still think this is a great device, but there are some things that need working out.
(ps- it is not the viewing angle that is messing it up either. My DIN has the radio facing almost right at me at a good height.)