My Mark 1 got a little bit of phosphor burn after the "Now and Next" screen was added. I fell in love with Now and Next, and left it up 100 percent of the time for about a month.
Now there is a darkened area where the track time is displayed on the Now and Next screen. You can only notice this on visuals with large solid color areas, such as Caledonian, and it's very faint, so it's not a big deal. The only real drawback is that I'm now afraid to use my favorite info screen.
But I just realized that I hardly ever look at the track time display as it stands right now. If I'm doing fast-forward and rewind, I need it, but during regular playback I don't ever look at it. I could foresee needing it once in a while if it counted down the remaining time, but generally I don't need to know the elapsed time unless I'm doing FF/REW.
Since that's the only part that stays stationary, it's the only part that causes phosphor burn. And since I never look at it, why not give us an option to turn it off? That way I could go back to using the Now and Next screen without fear of more burn-in. If you wanted, you could make it appear during FF/REW operations and disappear again when it went back to normal play mode.
The other option is to move it around on the screen, but that's a lot more work I'd guess. Anyway, I put that one in a separate Wish List item.

Note that this issue also applies to that stylistic line that goes across the regular Info:Track screen (although to a lesser extent). If there's an option to turn off the time display, that line should go with it. And ditto for the little "position in the current playlist" digits.
Tony Fabris