I have owned my Empeg for well over 18 months now, I have always had one little problem or another with it, but this weekend all that changed !!!
After Rob S fixed the Hard Drive Pin Header problem (and a new HD cable, cheers Rob

) at the european meet it was 100% better, no lockups and boots EVERY time.
But, I was never happy with my DIY install. At high volumes the Empeg would cut out, I just turned the volume down a bit and all was OK. This weekend I took the whole install apart and ran a 12v feed direct from the battery and an earth back too.
Not only have I solved the cut outs, but the slight ground loop I had has also gone

So I'm very happy with myself. Just need to tidy up a bit and it will be perfect. If I am up to it I may make up the harness, and put in my Black Sled.
Yours (Very Chuffed with ones self)