This site is great for short little clips:
Daily WAV. I've used them for years. They specialize in TV, Movie and Geeky clips (plenty of Star Trek and Simpsons for you.)
They also link to this site,
Earthstation . This one is an odd collection of rare historical recordings. Everything from propaganda to Elvis freaking out during an interview. I like the UK children's program that tells kids to run around looking for their balls "Are your balls high up, or down low?"
Detroit area people might like Drew and Mike clips. It is a popular morning "shock jock" show that ranks really high nationally. I think 2nd actually. A fan has posted stuff here:
Drew and Mike Fan Site Some funny stuff they've done:
Tampax Ad..
Temptation Island Ad. Many fake Barbara Walters interviews here:
Justin Timberlake,
Tom Cruise and
Robert Blake.
Ray and Pete is good too.
I havn't checked any of these in years, so I'm about to go download some myself!
I feel like a dirty tramp giving away all my sources! I won't have the coolest empeg anymore!

Okay, I'm over it. Here's the
Delta Ad I promised (still makes me cry with laughter after all of these years).
PS - One thing I noticed in the past, was that some of these WAV's were not recorded properly and I'd get audible "pops" on my empeg. I had to fix them in Cool Edit by correcting the "Zero Crossing". It's been so long that I just looked at my Cool Edit Pro 1.2 and it's not the same as Cool Edit Pro 1.1 - can't remember how to do it...