As useful as Google is, searching for BMW info has to be one of the biggest search pains I've gone through. Lot of irrelevant matches, mostly because there are so many useless web sites with BMW content.
I'm thinking of replacing my stolen Integra with a 1996 or 1997 BMW 328is (the coupe 328 model). I have yet to find a good picture clearly showing the dashboard and complete center console. Nor any good summaries.
Does anyone have any links they can share? "The Unofficial" BMW page has many links that sound promising only to take me to useless sites or pages that have long since been deleted (like the large collection of links from the BMW corporate pages - they don't keep their previous models listed). I've found some decent information on getting an aftermrket HU into the car as well as amps and I'm sure there are some details about speakers. But you'd think I'd be able to find a quick spec sheet? Nope. A list of all available options for thoe two model years? Nope. I'd like some info to educate myelf before I start going out to look at used vehicles. Need to know how one car stacks up to the next.
Any help greatly appreciated. Likewise if anyone has any empeg experience with any E36 model. I'm still wondering how I'm going to get CD playback AND the empeg into the car (the empeg will win out in a choice between the two of course).
typos courtesy of wireless keyboard and misaligned receiver.

and typing too fast for said receiver...