Just a quick question. Recently (twice in the last three days) my remote hasn't worked. The first time was when my wife was trying to change the volume in my truck. After lecturing her about pointing the remote "in the general direction of the device you're trying to control," I took it away from her and proved her wrong by pressing the volume down button. Nothing happened. Everything worked fine from the buttons on the empeg, but the remote did nothing.
I went back out about half an hour later, and everything worked fine.
Yesterday, the exact same thing happened. I'm not sure if it's the remote, or the empeg (I'll assume it's the <$20 remote thank you.) I finally recharged my Palm V (long story why it's not charged involving moving offices and forgetting to plug charger in) so if it happens again, I'll see if OnmiRemote will control the empeg, and see if it (OmniRemote) receives any signal from the remote when it's not working.
Hmm, I started this of with "Just a quick question," guess I'd better ask it: Has anyone else had a problem like this?
As an aside (actually to avoid a Dope Slap): In a poll, tfabris said:
No, I'm a lazy slob who doesn't care about anyone but myself, and I'd rather have somebody sue Empeg and put them out of business, just so I don't have to press one lousy little button.I don't suppose this could be seen as weighting the questions a bit, eh?

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