Having returned from the NL meet to an Inbox containing almost 700 emails, I feel the need to remind everyone that we do employ other customer support staff at empeg

Whilst all staff members have a personal mailbox, there are generic addresses for specific roles - only by using these can you be sure of a fast response. The appropriate addresses are:
[email protected] - pre-sales or general enquiries
[email protected] - support relating to specific orders
[email protected] - support relating to packages in transit
[email protected] - after-sales technical support
[email protected] - press related enquiries
[email protected] - recruitment enquiries
It is our general policy that individual members of staff will adopt an issue and see it through to the end. When you email one of the above addresses you will get a reply from an individual who will be pleased for you to contact him directly about that specific enquiry, until such time that it is resolved or transfered to someone else.
I'm aware that automated emails currently originate with my mail ID, which I plan to fix in the near future.
Please don't interpret this email as an attempt on my part to offload customer responsibilities. I will continue to have involvement in many support and sales issues, however I am concerned that some of you have experienced long delays in getting a reply from me on an issues that other customer service guys could have answered more quickly.