The situation: nothing comes out of my left rear speaker. My front right speaker is flakey. I've suspected all along that ths is related to the Mk2's sled's known bug with poor crimping of the wires in the connector. However, the problem seems uglier than that.
Here's what we found when my father and I had a look inside my dashboard. In a nutshell, I spent some extra bucks for my installer to use a BMW-compatible connector (seen in the first photo), such that I could unplug the empeg sled and eventually return the car to perfectly stock condition if I ever indended to sell it. The installer then tapped these outputs with some weird connectors and tried to splice those wires onto some hacked-off RCA cables (orange wire). They used electrical tape which didn't hang together well in the heat of the dashboard. That white wire is, I believe, the ground for the rear left speaker. The front-right speaker, I'll bet, is suffering from the Mk2 sled bug.
I'm not sure the best way to go about fixing this. It would be nice if I could reuse the taps on the BMW-compatible connector, but I need something better than the kludge they used to convert these to RCA cables. Likewise, it would be nice to get my Mk2a sled in there. On the flip side, I don't want to throw a lot of money at the problem since my car continues to have all manner of problems unrelated to the stereo and is likely to be replaced next year.
Thoughts? Advice?