Hats off to the folks who make this all possible! And let's not forget the participation of the clients on this bbs. The nearly 20,000 posts (18,876 as I write this) contain an incredible wealth of knowledge, contributed unselfishly by the likes of tfabris, schofiel, henno, bonzi, dionysus, jazzwire, DiGNAN17, teemcbee... don't forget cambscar and verement who haven't been as active recently as in the past, and newcomer fvgestel who
really seems to know his stuff, and HighWayDrifter, our "Bad Boy" from California, and Dredd who keeps us all on our toes. There are literally hundreds of us (I like to think that even I have made useful contributions in a small way) that have worked to create a dynamic tool of unparalleled usefulness, not only to us but to empeg as well.
I've said it before... we have a truly extraordinary group of people on this bbs.
Ouch... my arm hurts from patting myself so hard on the back...

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"