It's -14 Deg. F outside my house, about 11:45 PM. One of the neightbor's pine trees (about 80' tall) has split its trunk from the cold and wind (about 20mph at the moment). The tree guy in the attached photo has some serious sack. He's about 50' up binding the two trunks together with steel cables. He arrived at about 11:00 and has been in the tree for 45 minutes now.
Very impressive.
Here's to you, Mr. Lumberjack!
[image]It's -14 Deg. F outside my house, about 11:45 PM. One of the neightbor's pine trees (about 80' tall) has split its trunk from the cold and wind (about 20mph at the moment). The tree guy in the attached photo has some serious sack. He's about 50' up binding the two trunks together with steel cables. He arrived at about 11:00 and has been in the tree for 45 minutes now.
Very impressive.
Here's to you, Mr. Lumberjack!